

Maria Ekielska (GoodSocks) - Socks for homeless people

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In this podcast episode I am talking to Maria Anna Ekielska, the founder of GoodSocks. As you can probably imagine, the company sells socks. But not in an usual way. With each pair you buy, you donate one pair for a person in need. Maria gives interesting insights into the process of having an idea that eventually turns into a company. She speaks about her motivtion of making an impact, and the energy she gets when being surrounded by people who share the same vision. Also, she speaks very honestly about struggles and the situation of being surroundeed by people who do not get the idea of a social startup.

Instagram: gastundgeber


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Über diesen Podcast

Mein Name ist Isabel und das hier ist mein Interview-Podcast über Social Entrepreneurship. Ich möchte gerne GründerInnen, Startups und Unternehmen beleuchten, die im sozialen und nachhaltigen Bereich angesiedelt sind. Mich interessiert, wer dahinter steckt, was die GründerInnen antreibt und wie soziales Unternehmertum einzuordnen ist.

von und mit Isabel Hahn


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